Saturday, November 12, 2016

Prevention, Coping, Crisis.

"You can't control all of the things that happen in your life, but you can control the way you respond to them."

We will all come across crisis in our lives, but the true test will be whether or not we let this derail our path or let it make us stronger.
This is especially important in family crisis.  When hard trials come along, it can be very easy to grow apart instead of together.  Here are some effective tools for coping:

  1. Take responsibility.  Don't play the victimized game.
  2. Believe in yourself and your ability to deal with the crisis, affirm your family's worth.
  3. Don't forget to take care of yourself, while always making time to take care of those around you.  It's a balancing act.
  4. Change the way you perceive the crisis.  Look at it as a way to grow and become better.
  5. Find and use your available resources.  This includes extended family members, friends, other social circles, religion, etc.
While these are good tools to use once a crisis has emerged in the family system, I think that it is more important for the family to be prepared to deal.  THIS is what I am going to apply now, in order to have a strong foundation that can withstand hard times.  I want to be a resilient family that has worked together in order to be strong and prepared.

In a family you must:
  • Know how to manage conflict well.
  • Have relationships that foster problem-solving.
  • Hold celebrations such as birthdays, religions holidays, special events, etc.
  • Have good communication of emotions and beliefs.
  • Have good financial management.
  • Have a strong commitment to family.
  • Practice good health in physical and emotional.
  • Share leisure activities.
  • Accept each other, flaws and all.
  • Build social network of family and friends.
  • Share routines such as family dinner and chores.
  • Have traditions that are practiced!
I invite you all to look at this list and see where you can start working harder in order to build a strong, resilient family that can withstand all the trials that are bound to come your way.


Lauer, Robert H., and Jeanette C. Lauer.  Marriage and Family: the Quest for Intimacy. Dubuque, IA, Wm. C. Brown Publishers, 2012.

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