Monday, November 21, 2016

Marriage is a Struggle AND an Adventure.

Marriage can be tough, take it from a person who is about to hit 5 months of it in a couple of days...(WOOHOO!)

But, also take it from me, that it is the BEST thing in the world and definitely worth the time and effort that it takes to make it work!

I love the adventures that I have with this guy, and wouldn't trade that for the world!

One of the best ways to make this kind of a relationship work is COMMUNICATION.
And one of the most important sides of this is listening.  This, in a lot of cases, can be more important than talking.  It is so vital to feel accepted and loved in a marriage.  So one way to show this, is to actively listen to what your spouse has to say!

Here are some key aspects of good listening:
  • Concentrate and take initiative to be focused.
  • Consciously decide to put aside distractions.
  • Don't cut them off (especially in a disagreement), listen to their side completely!
  • Ask questions to clarify meaning.
  • Summarize what they have said.
  • Practice!
Just remember how nice it is to feel validated by someone you love.  It is so easy to do this by being an active listener, and this will strengthen your marriage if nothing else!



  1. Amen, from someone that's been married 30 years.

  2. As someone who has been married for nigh unto 6 years, I too can attest to the validity of the aforementioned topic. Never once should a spouse find themselves saying, "Are you listening?"
