Monday, December 5, 2016

Guardian Angels

Today I want to talk about more of a religious thought.  It was something that touched me a lot when I read it, here's the article:

We Believe in the Ministering of Angels

I loved the thought that was discussed, of our ministering angels being our ancestors.  It makes so much sense to me that even after death Heavenly Father works to keep the family unit together.  If God were to send anyone to help us, who would have the best ability to comfort and strengthen us, it would have to be our family.  We grow closest to these people, and they are the ones who know us best in order to help us the most!

As a parent of a struggling child, you have the RIGHT to ask for this help and support. Your ancestors are ready and able to guide and support you as you work to help your own children.

"We are never alone in the work of redemption." God will always send the help that you need, as long as you simply ask.

"Trust God and believe in good things to come." Elder Jeffrey R. Holland


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