Monday, October 24, 2016

What is love?

So I guess I talk about love a lot, but hey, I think it's one of the most important qualities needed to forge a happy family and that is what I'm here to discuss. There are many different definitions of love, and apparently different types as well. However, in the end, we know "that love is crucial to [our] well-being". (Lauer and Lauer, 2012).

As I said before, we need to FORGE a happy family, or marriage.  It is not something that just happens.  What we need is WORK.  To continually forge a lasting relationship, I love the three components of Togetherness (sharing experiences), Talk (mutual self-disclosure), and Time. These things take effort.  I know that, but what happens when we stop working hard for things that matter the most in our life?  I have a strong belief that it is God's plan for us to form marital unions and have families.  This is the way to happiness.  As President Uchtorf said, "Great marriages are built brick by brick, day after day, over a lifetime."

 Yes it's hard to get out of your comfort zone to ask someone on a date.  Yes it's hard to put yourself out there in order to form new relationships.  Yes it's hard to trust someone with your heart when it's already been broken before.  Yes, marriage is hard, but it's worth it.  To make it work there are daily choices necessary to be happy.  I choose happiness, I choose love.


President Uchtdorf: "Great marriages are built brick by brick, day after day, over a lifetime." #LDSconf #LDS #quotes:

Lauer, Robert H., and Jeanette C. Lauer.  Marriage and Family: the Quest for Intimacy. Dubuque, IA, Wm. C. Brown Publishers, 2012.

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