Saturday, September 17, 2016

Hello blogger world!  I am Makayla, first time blogger in order to fulfill a grade for one of my classes.  However, I also hope to change the world as I share what we are learning and the insights that I gain.  (At least I hope to enlighten a few people with these words!) It's a Family Relations course which I am told can be full of a little bit of controversial topics, so I will let you know that I am not here to start any arguments, I just want share some data and opinions of mine.

After this torturous first week of classes in this semester (I may be a little over dramatic), there was a bright spot in the dark.  I realized this week that I have an intense passion for learning about families, and what I can do to help.  It was so fun to be able to discuss events that have changed the basic unit of our society: marriage.  I feel an intense desire to learn more, and especially to understand the REAL facts.
Finally, one current event topic that I can show true interest and be up to date in!!

Can't wait to share more,


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