Saturday, September 30, 2017

Hello everyone, I am back sharing my thoughts for another class.

This past week we did a lot of readings out changes that have happened over the years to provide more opportunities and rights to those who have disabilities.  It is amazing to see how far we have come.  We are so blessed to have laws such as ADA and IDEA, including multiple others that provide services to support and help enable children as well as adults who suffer.  While we are blessed however, many suffer.  This link below will take you to a video that may cause heartache and sadness.

Conditions in Serbia

Unfortunately not all other countries have been able to change and make life better for people with special needs.  Serbia is one of them.  It's heartbreaking to see what horrendous conditions children are forced to grow up in.   However, we need to take this knowledge and move forward.  Today we can continue to support children with disabilities around us.  We can help them to succeed, and when able, help those not as fortunate.  It is our privilege to work with children, and give them the ability to succeed no matter what their circumstances are.

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